I've had a variety of email accounts with various providers, and finally came around to the point of view that Google (or Microsoft) were less likely to suffer a catastrophic outage or to lose my stuff than 1) me, if I were to run my own server, or 2) a small independent email provider like Fastmail or Tuffmail. Everyone's free to disagree, but my empirical observations and experiences over a prolonged period of time tend to support my position.

Now, some object to Google or MS on philosophical grounds, and that's fine, but nobody has ever been able to demonstrate to me (as opposed to the general FUD that is persistent) that my email or data is less safe with Google or MS than it is with anyone else. When there is reason to be genuinely worried, I'll reassess, but so far I have had zero problems over more than a decade, which counts for more with me than anyone screaming that the sky is falling. I am quite done with the religious tech wars.
