Correction: Kindles also do AZW3, which is basically epub in a Kindle wrapper. Epubs convert beautifully to AZW3 in Calibre.

// @skematica

@kdfrawg Good night, Michael.

@kdfrawg Indeed.


@kdfrawg Speaking of which, Don's wife was German, and his father-in-law had been Waffen-SS, served on the eastern front, and was captured by the Soviets and didn't come home until the 1950s. I imagine they had some interesting conversations.


@kdfrawg Indeed. Don McKenzie, God rest his soul. He was along on my first trip to Europe, and at one point we were somewhere close to Frankfurt and he got this weird look on his face, looked around, and said, "You know, I think I bombed this place." :-)


@kdfrawg Yep. His attitude was that he didn't survive combat missions over Germany just to come home and die over Los Angeles because he forgot to check something.


The first time I ever flew in a private plane, it was with a family friend who'd flown B-24s in World War II. He told us to go get some coffee, and he'd come get us after he finished his very extensive preflight checklists.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I wonder that on an almost daily basis. This election campaign has been proof of that, I think.

@kdfrawg I would think that would violate one or two FAA regulations.
