Very much so. I currently own domains from the Isle of Man, Tonga, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland in addition to .org, .net, and .com domains.


That being said, I have a .im domain (Isle of Man). Hooray for Crown dependencies!


Unquestionably so. In a way, I'm glad he never showed the slightest interest in Android users, because it prevented me from wasting too much time with it.

That's what happens with cults.

Leaving out the details, that's exactly why I gave up on it.

My wife just got out of serving as a juror in a six-week trial. What a relief.

Au contraire, on y fait. :-)


Even when I was using an iPhone, I went to OTA backups and updates and never looked back. iTunes is a <comment redacted for common decency>.


And has done so since version 1.0.


The absolute best thing about switching back to Windows was not installing iTunes.
