Free ice cream at the office today, courtesy of building management. :-)
@matigo See, if you used magnetic tape instead of Hollerith cards you wouldn't have these problems. ;-)
@hazardwarning You ask @matigo to do it for you. It's not user-configurable yet.
@matigo Basically, it would be an individual's social profile page (much like what you used to see at
Something which just occurred to me…
@matigo: When v5 goes live, will it be possible (or is it the design plan) to have a structure like the following? - Social posts only - Bookmarks only - Blog posts only
And have the root domain (or a specified subdomain) show everything?
@matigo Found a v5 glitch (a teeny, tiny one). I replied to Vanessa at her site, and when it showed up here it didn't show the @hazardwarning at the beginning of the reply, so there was no context.