More On My Withdrawal from Google Buzz

Pursuant to my last post, a few loose ends:

  1. I've emailed Google to request withdrawal from the Google Buzz beta-testing program. This should happen within 48 hours, according to Google.
  2. I'll be turning off Buzz in my profile sometime between now and Monday. This will likely mean the deletion of all my Buzz posts. Update: This has now been done. My profile itself will remain, however. Edit: Turns out I can't delete Buzz without deleting my profile. So be it. I'll recreate it later. Update: Profile has been recreated.
  3. The custom URL to my Google profile has been turned off, and I have reverted to the standard numeric URL. This is to prevent possible future abuse of my Gmail address. Edit: If you'd like an easy-to-remember URL for my profile, just go to

That's about it--my Google Buzz experiment will be coming to an end soon. If you follow me there and you wish to continue doing so elsewhere, here are the relevant addresses: