I might add that your ability with English is even more impressive given that your native language is about as unrelated to English as it can possibly be without being Chinese or Basque. As someone who has struggled with languages more closely related to my own, I salute you.


Sorry to hear that--hope she's OK.

Is it time to go home yet?

<checks watch, sees that it's only 2:37 PM>


I'm serious. Your written English is native-speaker quality. Don't know about your spoken English, though. ?

Your English is amazing already. ?

I'm having lunch. It's quarter to noon here. :-)

Yes, I use an Android phone. My tablet is an Android-based Fire tablet from Amazon.

I suspect that 10C skews heavily toward Mac users, but I'm an exception. I don't have a Surface, but my boss got one for personal use on my recommendation and seems very happy with it.

There's also a Mac-only branch called NeoOffice, which I used extensively in college.


You're correct--it's called a water pump. Typically, in English we refer to the cooling liquid as "coolant" (or, sometimes, "antifreeze"). Glad you got it fixed.