If I'd known it was going to be this damn hot today, I wouldn't have switched my watch strap from canvas to leather this morning.



Sounds like an average meeting, then.

I'm getting an error for that as well. On the other hand, it's trying to go to exactly the domain I want to use for this stuff (e.g., https://larry.im/status/b521b0c87146b34ae02a35f6fffe89790940c2c2), so good on Jason for that.


I think we're going to need Jason to sort this out.


Canadian English is a weird amalgam of British and American spelling and usage. Make up your damn minds. :-)


It makes me unreasonably happy when a team changes their documentation for Canadian projects to reflect Canadian spelling and usage. #QALife #SpellingNazi

Couldn't tell you. I use Chrome on both desktop and mobile.




You mean beta.nice.social? Already logged in with it (for MB, anyway). :-)


I have to sign in when I use a different URL (e.g., social.10centuries.org vs. nice.social)1, but after that it persists.


  1. And if you really want to log in some more, there's mocha.10centuries.org…