If I'd known it was going to be this damn hot today, I wouldn't have switched my watch strap from canvas to leather this morning.
@tewha I'm getting an error for that as well. On the other hand, it's trying to go to exactly the domain I want to use for this stuff (e.g., https://larry.im/status/b521b0c87146b34ae02a35f6fffe89790940c2c2), so good on Jason for that.
// @matigo
@mrshaiku I think we're going to need Jason to sort this out.
// @matigo @tewha
@tewha Canadian English is a weird amalgam of British and American spelling and usage. Make up your damn minds. :-)
// @c
It makes me unreasonably happy when a team changes their documentation for Canadian projects to reflect Canadian spelling and usage. #QALife #SpellingNazi
@matigo You mean beta.nice.social? Already logged in with it (for MB, anyway). :-)
// @tewha
@tewha I have to sign in when I use a different URL (e.g., social.10centuries.org vs. nice.social)1, but after that it persists.
// @matigo
And if you really want to log in some more, there's mocha.10centuries.org…