Home after oral surgery. Vicodin is my new best friend.

Ah, glad you got it sorted. I had some trouble trying to manually drag a PDF onto mine, and forgot about emailing it.

@kdfrawg Yep, this. Everybody should use what works best for them, and there are choices. This is a good thing.


I agree with Dameon. The only Android devices I would consider are the ones that are guaranteed updates directly from Google and which have no UI overlay or installed crapware, which essentially means the Pixel devices--which is why a Pixel 2 XL is what I bought.

// @kdfrawg

Can't make this stuff up: I'm expecting a package. According to the USPS tracking page, it was in Santa Clarita yesterday. Instead of putting it on a truck and sending it to Ventura (an easy 30 minute drive down CA-126), they sent it to the USPS Santa Barbara Distribution Center.

Which is currently inaccessible from this end.

And which requires making an extensive detour in order to get it there (about four hours from Santa Clarita, if memory serves).


In other news, a loose crown I had just broke. And my dentist lives in Santa Barbara. And the road won't be open until Monday afternoon. <sigh>

Also, there's a limit to how much trouble I'm willing to go to just to give Twitter the finger, and I think I've passed that point.


Wrong kind of Indian, Tonto. ?
// @kdfrawg

Just changed my GP on January 1, since my insurance changed from Blue Cross to Kaiser Permanente. I'm fine with it.

// @kdfrawg

Make your next visit to a friend's house a memorable one.
