There's also a glitch.


Proper spelling and punctuation matters.


@kdfrawg My working assumption is that the notification slip was put in the wrong box.

@kdfrawg You don't normally show ID. You bring the notification slip to the counter, and they sometimes confirm your last name. The thinking is that if you have a slip that was in a locked box, you're the right person.

@kdfrawg I talked to a supervisor, who promised to investigate and call me, but I fully expect it will go nowhere. Glad it was just a $20 watch strap, but I can think of better ways to blow a twenty.

O hai, Android split-screen mode.


What probably happened was that the notification slip was put in the wrong box, and they didn't verify identity at the counter. Of course, they'll never admit that.

It wasn't anything expensive, but it's annoying to get stonewalled. I've always thought of a post office box as a secure place to receive packages. Guess I won't make that mistake any more.

Fun with the post office: an Amazon package was delivered to my P.O. box on Saturday morning. Someone picked it up. Problem is, it wasn't me. And now nobody will take responsibility for it. ?

"Dammit Jim, I need to administer 500,000 yen immediately or this man could die!"