I have just learned that Damp Old Runt is an anagram for Donald Trump, and this pleases me immensely.

@kdfrawg I am also inflexible when it comes to the following:

  • This needs to be done.

  • This needs done.

The first is correct. The second is regional dialect. Use your damn auxiliary verbs, people. :-)


@kdfrawg "Pled" is one of my pet peeves. It is something up with which I shall not put. :-)


No need. I wouldn't use "snuck" in a formal document, but I consider it acceptable for informal use. Language is an ever-evolving thing. Always remember that the most formal French has its origins in the vulgar slang of Roman legions. :-)

As someone who corrects other people's grammar and spelling for a living, I recommend this: http://www.writersdigest.com/online-editor/snuck-vs-sneaked

It was a work-related subpost, but we appreciate the disclosure. :-)

<Name redacted> is a goddamn idiot.

Yes, this is a subpost of reality…

@10centuries Yay!

The Donut API is going live? ?

My experience has been that everyone thinks their favorite news source is the only unbiased one. My philosophy is to read as much as possible and trust my brain and my bullshit detector to sort the wheat from the chaff.
// @kdfrawg