If killing NR frees up resources for 10C, I say flip the switch. :-)

I couldn't tell you. You know better than I do how many people are using it, but I'm basically gone from ADN now.

From what I can see in the photo, it looks cosmetic. I'd be furious too, but if you want to see what an unsellable, totaled car looks like…well, here's what happened to my Honda Fit in 2014:





Logged into ADN to reply to , and I had a spam mention. The times, they are a-changin'.

Oh, it will be sellable. That's not nearly a terminal condition. Shouldn't affect structural integrity in the slightest. That said, I think is the kind of person who drives something as long as possible, so I doubt resale is even a consideration.


Good morning1, centurions… :coffee:

  1. Alter as appropriate for your time zone.

It's probably more accurate to call it a dais.

There is hope for us yet. Twitter is telling me Donald Trump just got booed off the stage at the Al Smith Dinner in New York.

@kdfrawg Hm. Doesn't really look like my cup of tea.