@literary The only truly worthwhile things I've ever done in life have scared the hell out of me. You're going to succeed.
// @skematica
@literary The only truly worthwhile things I've ever done in life have scared the hell out of me. You're going to succeed.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg And then you could swing down to Austin for barbecue and say hello to @joanna.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg And you have a nice Mercedes to do it in, and an impending Pennsylvania winter to escape. I'm not seeing the problem here. :-)
// @skematica
@kdfrawg You just have to get as far west as Texas now in order to get your In-N-Out fix.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg I haven't been to a Sonic since I was in Oklahoma eight years ago. They don't have much presence in California.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg I prefer In-N-Out, as any good Californian must, but Five Guys is more than acceptable. Don't care for their fries, though.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg Looks good. This is my local place, a small local chain just down the street: http://www.snapperjackstacoshack.com/
@kdfrawg I'm now thinking of hitting up the local taco joint again tonight. The crispy beef tacos are awesome. Sodium be damned! ?