Are you sure that's enough?

OK, this is funny. ?



You've been traveling a lot. Hard to keep to the diet under those circumstances.

Sounds Lutheran. :-)

// @skematica

My wife's family is from a Pentecostal background. Having grown up among Midwestern Lutherans, being exposed to that culture was like being transplanted to China. Complete and utter culture shock.

// @skematica

Debate update: My wife just texted me to let me know that her 97-year-old, evangelical, lifelong Republican mom said she liked Hillary.

Back to you in the studio… #nt

That was planned. They didn't want to have to drive to the next county for Jack Daniels and Budweiser either.

// @skematica



That settles it. I could never live in a country without mint chocolate and lemon pie.

@skematica Yes, but you've lived in Canada. You're disqualified. :-)
