@matigo These are the same people who will click on an email attachment labeled pornvirus.exe
@kdfrawg There's a Japanese ADNer in Pittsburgh asking for advice on what to see/do. You're a lot closer than I am, so I thought you might have some suggestions. I looped you in over there.
There have been many tributes to Vin Scully as he prepares to retire after 67 years--yes, you read that correctly, 67 years--as the announcer for the Dodgers.
This one is especially beautiful.
@jmreekes Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
// @matigo @jextxadore @gtwilson
@matigo I'm just about at my limit in terms of the state of the world and the horrible things people are doing to each other. And the election.
I'm not a Twitter-hater generally, but sweet holy Jesus it's intolerable this afternoon. I think I need to prune my list of follows.
@matigo Although as the sole official evangelist…
- Nobody calls me Evan
- I don't use hair gel
- I use Google Calendar
// @jextxadore @gtwilson