Soy el fuego que arde tu piel,
Soy el agua que mata tu sed…
@phoneboy One of the nice things about owning your own email domain is the ability to create throwaway addresses. :-)
// @matigo
@phoneboy Anyone can use that? Because I'm totally going to save that for later.
// @matigo
Phyllis Schlafly, more responsible than anyone for the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, dead at 92. I'd like to think the near-certainty of a woman President following a black President is what finally did the old battle axe in.
@matigo That's cool. I'll probably use it with my main Twitter account and leave that one the way it is, using IFTTT.
@matigo I had to activate it. It does include mentions. I'm using it to mirror my 10C posts at
PSA: You can get my 10C posts in your feed reader by subscribing to