Random post-election thoughts and advice

  • "Calexit" is idiotic. We settled the question of whether states can secede rather decisively in 1865.
  • The idea of getting the Electoral College to vote for Hillary anyway is also idiotic, and nothing more than a Democratic fantasy. Better idea: deal with reality, prepare for what's coming, organize resistance, and work for victory in 2018 and 2020.
  • If you're a member of a privileged group like I am, be there for your friends who aren't so fortunate. Don't stay quiet when racist, Islamophobic, or anti-LGBTQ things are said. Stand up for what's right. Be an ally.
  • If they come for Muslims, gays, brown people, minorities of any kind--remember the Danes in World War II who wore the yellow star so the Nazis couldn't tell who was a Jew and who wasn't. Be like them. They can't arrest everybody.
  • Be aware that the coming years will demand a lot. Relying on the Constitution to protect you is probably not a good idea. Constitutions only matter when people pay attention to them.
  • Support leaders who are willing to oppose the regime. They need to know that people are behind them.
  • Question your sources. Look for news and information from outside the United States. Compare what you read, hear and see to what your common sense tells you. It's the only way to not be tricked by the technique of the Big Lie endlessly repeated.
  • Think about where your data and email are stored. Move them someplace where they can't be easily accessed by the government, preferably someplace with strong privacy laws and an uncompromised court system. Switzerland is a good choice.
  • If you don't already have one, get a VPN. Use it consistently and at all times, on all your devices, and choose an exit point that is outside the U.S., like Canada or Switzerland.
  • Use secure and encrypted apps like Signal and Threema for sensitive communication.
  • Consider using Tor.
  • Teach your children and grandchildren about history. Let them know that this is not how things always were, and that things need not be this way forever.
  • Remember the ideals this country was founded upon. They will not die as long as they live in our memories.
  • Don't panic. All is not yet lost.