Want me to get him a MAGA cap?

Sleep like no one is watching.
--Cecil Gershwin Palmer, Welcome to Night Vale

Say what you will about Twitter, it's about the only place you can find yourself having a nice chat with one of your favorite authors, reminiscing about L.A. in the Sixties and Seventies.

God bless you. I know that Markdown is easier for some people, but there are times when I just want to insert * * or ** ** tags for a block of text and call it done. Or even more so with <ul>, which would simplify my life tremendously.

Edit: Oh Jesus, I can't remember the damn Markdown for a code block. Anyway, you get the drift.

Really glad I pruned most of my Twitter accounts recently. Makes this crap a bit easier.

Note: This is not a feature request, nor a complaint, just an observation.

Sometimes, I wish I could just add HTML tags in a blog post instead of faffing about with Markdown, which is often inconsistent as hell.

I doubt that This American Life will only be available on Pocket Casts. It's conceivable that they could add features to the app that allowed additional extra content to be made available on Pocket Casts, but continue distributing the actual show podcast via all available channels.

As I said, it could be interesting, but I don't think there's a reason to sound the alarm just yet.


Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, oh Constantinople
Now a Swedish delight on a moonlit night

Every chef in Constantinople
Loves the meatballs here in Constantinople
And if you have fika in Constantinople
It'll really be Istanbul

Even old Stockholm was once just Gamla Stan
Why'd they change it? I can't say
People just liked it better that way!

So take me back to Constantinople
Gotta have that taste from Constantinople
With the Chinese noodles in Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That's nobody's business but the Turks…


The passwords were being stored in plaintext. They were going to write them all on a Post-It note and stick it to an intern's monitor, but they ran out of space.