And this is the actual plane he's on, N2138U.
@phoneboy That's outstanding. When I lost 80 lbs. a few years back, it felt wonderful. Congratulations!
@phoneboy We do have a Sears at the local indoor shopping mall near my home (another endangered species), but I haven't been there since earlier this year, when we bought a Kenmore microwave oven. Which my wife hates, by the way.
@phoneboy That's true. You probably can't even buy leisure suits at Sears anymore. ;-)
Just saw a Lifehacker story on how to stop using Amazon. It's easy if you want to go back to living in 1978.
@hazardwarning I believe it generally means six devices at once, not six in total.
// @joeo10
@hazardwarning Being American means never even thinking about spending money in other currencies. As with the language, we just expect everyone else to accommodate us. :-)
// @joeo10
Hmmm, NordVPN is located in Panama (and their dev is in Wyoming), whereas ProtonVPN is in Switzerland. I think I'll take Switzerland, thanks.
@hazardwarning Yes, I saw that. Easy decision for me. :-) For you, I suppose it depends on what happens with the pound vis-a-vis the euro and the dollar over the coming year. But the euro is running strong, so…
// @joeo10