And this is the actual plane he's on, N2138U.


Looks like Jason just entered Alberta airspace.



That's outstanding. When I lost 80 lbs. a few years back, it felt wonderful. Congratulations!

We do have a Sears at the local indoor shopping mall near my home (another endangered species), but I haven't been there since earlier this year, when we bought a Kenmore microwave oven. Which my wife hates, by the way.

That's true. You probably can't even buy leisure suits at Sears anymore. ;-)

Just saw a Lifehacker story on how to stop using Amazon. It's easy if you want to go back to living in 1978.

I believe it generally means six devices at once, not six in total.


Being American means never even thinking about spending money in other currencies. As with the language, we just expect everyone else to accommodate us. :-)


Hmmm, NordVPN is located in Panama (and their dev is in Wyoming), whereas ProtonVPN is in Switzerland. I think I'll take Switzerland, thanks.

Yes, I saw that. Easy decision for me. :-) For you, I suppose it depends on what happens with the pound vis-a-vis the euro and the dollar over the coming year. But the euro is running strong, so…
