I've had a variety of email accounts with various providers, and finally came around to the point of view that Google (or Microsoft) were less likely to suffer a catastrophic outage or to lose my stuff than 1) me, if I were to run my own server, or 2) a small independent email provider like Fastmail or Tuffmail. Everyone's free to disagree, but my empirical observations and experiences over a prolonged period of time tend to support my position.

Now, some object to Google or MS on philosophical grounds, and that's fine, but nobody has ever been able to demonstrate to me (as opposed to the general FUD that is persistent) that my email or data is less safe with Google or MS than it is with anyone else. When there is reason to be genuinely worried, I'll reassess, but so far I have had zero problems over more than a decade, which counts for more with me than anyone screaming that the sky is falling. I am quite done with the religious tech wars.


I'm sure they've fixed the problems by now, but Fastmail has the distinction of being the only email service that ever locked me out of my email for five consecutive days (along with many, many other users), with one hapless support guy trying to fix it while the then-owner (who built the damn thing) was nowhere to be found. I am always vastly amused when people rave about it.

Meanwhile, Gmail has never lost a single email of mine dating back 14 years.


An old favorite from my younger days. Surprising how many people don't know that it was written by the guys from ABBA.


One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble, not much between despair and ecstasy…


Same thing happened to my wife and I after we bought our house. She ordered something and forgot to delete the old address. Fortunately, our old apartment hadn't been rented out yet, and I still had an extra gate remote that I'd forgotten about, so I was able to retrieve it from the doorstep.


Between 10C, Pnut, Twitter, Mastodon, and Micro.blog, I do believe I'm adequately taken care of in the social media department. Don't see any reason to join another.


Although I very rarely indulge, I am An American Of A Certain Age™ (a.k.a. A Child Of The Seventies™) and there are occasions when I must have the food of my people. :-)


That's great!

I think the blog replies are only available on the default template. I could be wrong.

(Autocarrot just tried to change that last sentence to "I could be Wong," which seems highly unlikely. ?)

Speaking of replies, I recently enabled commenting on my blog here, although one has to be a 10C member to do so. I probably wouldn't have done it if it were open to the Great Unwashed.


There are some mornings that simply require Pop-Tarts.