The poinsettia by our backyard wall is nicely red just in time for the holidays.
@indigo There are thousands of firefighters here from all over the western United States, but they've got their work cut out for them today.
// @phoneboy
@phoneboy You're telling me. And in addition to everything else, NB 101 is closed in Goleta due to an earlier hazmat spill, just in case the evacuation wasn't already challenging enough.
SitRep: currently experiencing wind gusts of up to 60 mph in the hills above Santa Barbara and Montecito, winds are expected to increase this afternoon, and forecast for this evening includes sundowner winds, which have historically driven the most destructive fires in the area. Jesus.
New voluntary evacuation includes downtown Santa Barbara.
@kdfrawg It's really just a preview of what it will be like 10 years from now, after the GOP has banned all forms of renewable energy in favor of burning oil and coal, and defunded everything related to fire prevention and brush clearance, and privatized firefighting operations, which will be operated on a subscription basis.
@matigo Or inefficient in their domestic postal system.
But seriously, it's a big place that was once described as a third-world country with a first-world army. I manage my expectations accordingly.