@kdfrawg You're quite right.
Ordered myself a present today, but it will probably take a month to get here from Russia.
No, I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, but feel free to guess. ?
@matigo We could use it as a maple syrup pipeline.
Also, "Maple Syrup Pipeline" is the name of my next band…
Realized my VPN was switched off, so I've fixed that and am now tunneling to Canada.
"Tunneling to Canada" would make an excellent album name, too.
@literary It also means that at the moment, you're not surrounded by assholes. ?
@phoneboy Really glad I don't file expense reports. My company is owned by a private equity firm, and from what I understand, a colonoscopy would be less invasive and painful than a visit from their auditors.
// @kdfrawg