@JeremyCherfas Once you've spent eight years a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, the lure of it must be impossible to resist.
@matigo I'll be the first to admit that I'm not unbiased here, and my sympathies lie with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. I'd love to see Elizabeth Warren win, but I don't think she will for the same reason that Hillary didn't--too many negatives with swing voters. I like Kamala Harris, and Julian Castro as well. Pete Buttigieg is impressive at first sight, but he's taking cash from lobbyists, and I suspect he plays better to us coastal elites than to Joe Sixpack in Detroit. I suspect that the eventual candidate will be either Biden or Harris, with Sanders as an outside possibility. But it's a long way to November 2020.
I have realized that I am completely unable to remember Chelsea Manning's birth name, but my brain insists that it's Preston Manning. I am fine with this because I love the idea of a right-wing Canadian politician realizing their true identity and becoming a trans activist against US government secrecy.
@matigo They're blaming a Chrome update, but it looks to me like there's been a reluctance to throw extra resources at it, and when I pay for something I expect better.
Trying out Feedly. I've been a NewsBlur user for a long time, but rendering in the Android app has been broken for over five weeks now (usable only in dark mode, which I hate), and as a paid user I'm fed up, and a bit miffed that there's no resolution in sight.
@matigo Ah, so it puts a message in the messages page, then, instead of sending an email as was done previously? Got it. Explains why I wasn't seeing anything.
And yes, the spam filter is apparently needed. :-/
@matigo This may be a known issue, but it seems the contact page on my site isn't working.