@literary Excellent. That reminds me that I need to update mine (and my LinkedIn) with my new job title.
@kdfrawg I listen to Morning Edition on the way to work, at least until they get to news from Washington, at which point I swear at the radio and shut it off. I've had to give up All Things Considered for my own mental health. It's done wonders for my podcast consumption.
// @hazardwarning @indigo @literary
@nitinkhanna I also use Tweetdeck. If they screw it up, it's going to severely impact how much I use Twitter, since I refuse to use the regular web UI.
// @bazbt3 @lukasros
@indigo We unplugged our TV in 2003 and haven't looked back. I watch everything online now. All praise to Netflix, Amazon Video, and Hulu.
// @hazardwarning @kdfrawg @literary
@hazardwarning I can see no reason why you shouldn't be able to log into the BBC with your license number.
// @kdfrawg @literary
@indigo I think I'd rather pay a TV license fee than put up with public television and public radio pledge drives four times a year that disrupt programming, which is what we get over here on the non-commercial stations. And it's only going to get worse as the new administration defunds PBS and NPR.
// @hazardwarning @kdfrawg @literary
@nitinkhanna Five years ago I would have loved a paid Twitter, but now, Twitter would need to fix a lot of stuff before I'd consider giving them money.
// @bazbt3 @lukasros
@hazardwarning I know the history and the reason behind the television licence, but as an American, the idea of a license to watch TV just seems odd. But it does give the world the BBC, so…
// @kdfrawg @literary
@JeremyCherfas If you don't need support for non-Apple devices, there's no reason for you to switch unless you find the rest of the feature set and the price more attractive than your current provider. I live in both worlds, so I need the cross-platform support.
// @indigo @literary
@JeremyCherfas I haven't used Cloak in a while, but TunnelBear allows you to select which country you tunnel to, gives unlimited bandwidth if you opt for the premium version, and can be used on phone, tablet, laptop, etc, on iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows.
// @literary