I don't recommend Gboard for iPhone. I do like it on Android.

It is not a word. Or, rather, it's a word, but an incorrect one.

@kdfrawg Not often. It isn't so much that it was poorly done, more that the author didn't use the current approved template or even run it through the built-in spelling and grammar check in Word. But hey, it keeps me employed. ?

Editing update: 31 pages, 178 edits or corrections to spelling/grammar/formatting standards. My work here is done.

There's also an old German script called Sütterlin that I learned years ago. It's even more incomprehensible than Cyrillic to the uninitiated.

You should see the notes I take using cursive Cyrillic. Nobody but me will ever be able to read them. ?

There are some epubs out there if you Google around a bit.

I'm earning my pay today: 14 pages into this document and I've already made 42 edits. 17 pages to go.

If you went back to 1985 and told me that Senator Al Franken was being sharply critical of President Donald Trump, and Teen Vogue was running articles on cryptographic security of electronic communications, I would have thought you were a madman. And yet…


Someone has brought kryptonite--I mean, donuts--into the office this morning.