It's available on Duolingo now. I need to get back to it. Now if I could just keep the correlatives straight…


I wouldn't know. I'm several levels below that.

@kdfrawg I'm a one-finger, hold-with-the-left-hand-and-swipe-with-the-right phone typist. Or swypist.


Sounds nice. Around here you have to be a senior director to escape cubicle life. :-/

OK, this is freaking cool. [] Well done, Rolls-Royce.

My favorite keyboard of all of them was the stock keyboard on Windows Phone. My second favorite is Microsoft Word Flow on iPhone. My third favorite is Gboard on Android. Swype is a good second choice on everything, and it's what I use for non-English keyboards.

My least favorite, which comes somewhere between a root canal and listening to Donald Trump, is the stock iPhone keyboard. :-)


@kdfrawg Someday when I have the time, I'd like to do a more leisurely trip around the Four Corners states. Did it about a year and a half ago in three days to go to a funeral, but it would be fabulous to take a couple of weeks.


@kdfrawg There are very few routes in the American Southwest that I don't like. It pretty much defines "vacation" for me.


Best flight I ever had was a non-rev trip on American Airlines from LAX to New York. It was a flight continuing to Europe, so was configured for international first class. It didn't suck, not even a little bit.

@kdfrawg The bit between Kingman and Williams is actually one of my favorite bits of Interstate highway.
