@skematica Yeah. I'm probably going to hang on to my iPhone 6S until it won't hold a charge or stops getting security updates.
I love this theme so damn much. It's the colors and the unique typography, I think. Thanks to @matigo for getting it re-implemented.
@matigo Thanks! Not concerned about the social icons--I have links to everything on my About pages anyway. Not seeing the subtitle on blog.larryanderson.org, but I may not have it entered there properly. Will have to check.
@matigo Not at all. This is still a theoretically free country, and there was nothing even remotely libelous in it. But it may have been just a tad harsh.
Wrote an entire blog post about the current political disaster, then spiked it. It may have been too vengeful even for me.
@matigo Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Tonight, I had grilled steak tacos with crispy flour tortilla shells with lettuce, shredded cheese and medium-hot salsa, with Spanish rice and refried beans on the side.
Getting dinner from the local taco joint was exactly the right thing to do tonight. Mmmm, tacos. ?