Always odd to be somewhere where the background music is something in my collection--in this case, Jean-Pierre Rampal and Claude Bolling's Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano.
Wishing a happy and safe Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends, as they sit down to the traditional Kraft Dinner, Timbits, and Molson.
@kdfrawg Just go to, scroll down to your site, and click the pencil to edit. There are a few to pick from right now.
// @skematica
@skematica Thanks. The theme is the old 10Cv2 default theme that I asked Jason to resurrect. I think it's pretty sharp.
@kdfrawg It's not really that interesting. I tried to keep it classy, and refrained from saying a couple things I really wanted to. But there would have been no point, so why create needless entropy in the world? Not my problem anymore.