One exception: I have to have regular milk for tea. Soymilk doesn't work with tea well at all.


I rather like it. I prefer the unsweetened variety, which is good because I switched to avoid the sugar in milk. Sweetened soymilk is disgusting.


Probably a result of different breeds and grazing practices. I switched from milk to soymilk a few years ago for medical reasons, so it all tastes weird to me now anyway.


Reports of a big explosion in central Budapest. Have confirmed that our old pal @habergowd is fine.

Would be lovely to see Riccardo here.


Milk--that's an interesting difference between here and there. Almost all Americans get it from supermarkets or convenience stores, and it's all about the same regardless of brand (which still tends to be a regional one). Usually comes refrigerated in plastic jugs or waxed paper cartons, depending on size. UHT milk never caught on here.


Using their own people is likely impractical here in the U.S. because there's so much territory to cover. And it seems it isn't working especially well in the U.K., either.


He appears to be dialing back his social media time. He's posting on Plurk but that's about it. We all need a break sometimes.

// @kdfrawg

I've sent several invitations that haven't been redeemed yet. Hope they do get used eventually.

The more the merrier!