@gtwilson Try meditation. Sit very quietly and focus. You may find that having a bottle of bourbon in front of you helps with that. ?
@matigo Yep, just tried it. That may be the fastest response to a feature inquiry I've ever seen. :-)
@kdfrawg My philosophy is to work hard and long when necessary, and to take off early when possible. I figure it all balances out in the long run.
// @matigo
@kdfrawg In any case, I exchanged the ability to earn overtime for a hefty increase in pay. No complaints.
// @matigo
@matigo Overtime? I've been exempt from overtime since I got promoted last year. I make the same money whether I work or not. :-)
My boss a minute ago: "Larry, why are you still here?"
I can take a hint. Time to hit the freeway!