@kdfrawg You don't have to give up your 6. You only have to do that if your previous one was also purchased through the iPhone Purchase Program.
// @phoneboy
@kdfrawg You don't have to give up your 6. You only have to do that if your previous one was also purchased through the iPhone Purchase Program.
// @phoneboy
@kdfrawg Alternate sites are useful when your glucose levels are stable (such as fasting). But even for things like checking 2 hours after a meal, you can test on the palm with the same accuracy as (and a lot less pain than) the fingertips. This morning, I checked my fasting glucose levels about one inch above the kneecap. :-)
// @phoneboy
@kdfrawg It's an expensive way to stick yourself, but I really have experienced painless lancing with it (not always, but it's an improvement). And alternate site testing is freaking beautiful. Gives my fingertips a break.
// @phoneboy
@phoneboy That reminds me, don't know if I've shared this with you already or not, but I got one of these and it's fantastic:
// @kdfrawg
@gtwilson I first learned to program on a TRS-80 Model I.
// @matigo @jextxadore @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg A Model 3? You needed a Blazer to haul that beast around.
// @matigo @jextxadore @gtwilson
I wonder if I should ask them if they will have sprouted whole-grain bread, natural peanut butter, and sugar-free preserves. Probably not. #diabetes @x
@kdfrawg It's possible. When we were owned by McGraw-Hill/S&P, we were restricted due to a lot of federal regulatory stuff and record-keeping requirements that applied to the folks on the financial services side, since we shared a corporate email system and network. Now that we're a standalone company again, owned by a private investment group, we'll be changing a lot of the backend services we use. It gives one hope.
// @gtwilson
@gtwilson I'm hoping a lot of this nanny stuff goes away now that we've been separated from our former corporate masters at S&P.
// @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg I'm clearly not buying a new car, and I am also clearly not spending another three-figure sum to be able to use a phone I already paid over $700 for. I am a VW in a BMW world.
// @jextxadore