@matigo Slumming with obscure units of measurement, eh?
I really hate it when people decide to be "helpful" and it ends up making more work for me.
@jextxadore Growing up as the grandson of a baker, I'm very familiar with making microadjustments to recipes to suit the weather and the mood of the baker. :-)
// @matigo @JeremyCherfas
@phoneboy For maximum security, make sure it's an alphanumeric PIN at least 50 characters long.
// @joeo10
@gtwilson I continue to be fascinated by the variety of your work responsibilities. :-)
I'll have to dress like a grown-up on Wednesday, because I'm supposed to have a lunch meeting with a vendor. I guess I should probably iron a pair of khakis in preparation.
// @phoneboy @hazardwarning @indigo
@indigo As a native of Southern California, it constitutes my colorful native dress. :-)
// @phoneboy @hazardwarning