Let's see if this makes it to Micro.blog…
Everything is a matter of perspective. A friend of mine who's from Romania posted something on Facebook, and it appeared in my stream between posts to the Esperanto group I'm in. It took me a good 30 seconds of puzzlement before I realized that it was in Romanian and not half-garbled Esperanto.
Someone I know IRL reposted a 3-year-old Facebook post in which a woman excoriates Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming for something he allegedly said.
Small problem: Simpson retired in 1997.
I posted a reply to the effect that if that woman has been angry for 21 years, she should get some help.
Letting this kind of thing go unchallenged is how we got where we are today.
Was poking around on the Duolingo website, and I see they sell a couple of shirts with popular Spanish phrases from the Duolingo course. I think they should sell shirts with phrases from various languages; for the Esperanto course, the clear winner would be "Mi fartas bone, ĉar mi havas anason."1
I'll let you look that up in Google Translate. :-)
This is a real sentence from the course.
@hazardwarning Just to give you a taste of what my day has been…
*Three projects came in for QA (each one is about an 8-hour job)
*Two more projects already have QA underway (same)
*Two projects need Scope of Work statements generated for distribution to vendors
*Five invoices are awaiting my approval
*Nine projects have purchase orders for multiple vendors that need to be recorded and filed
And to top it all off, we had a company-wide meeting to introduce the new CEO.
This is why I drink coffee…
P.S. Almost forgot--I have two projects that we just launched that I need to monitor for the first couple of days. Whee!