@literary Excellent!
@kdfrawg Pumpkin doesn't belong in coffee. The only acceptable flavor additions to coffee are chocolate, cinnamon, and vanilla, and only occasionally. ?
// @JeremyCherfas @indigo
@literary For what it's worth, I would have to go out and buy a suit if I ever needed to interview somewhere. Twenty years of getting jobs because I knew someone have decimated my traditional business attire, since every place I've worked since doesn't care how I dress.
@literary Wear something that's clean and neat, in good repair, and preferably not jeans and sneakers (unless the company culture is extremely casual). I doubt anyone will care beyond that.
@jasonechols My inner demon just told me to walk into the kitchen and get a couple of chocolate chip cookies. So I did. Bad Larry…
// @matigo
@streakmachine Did ours by myself for the first time in 15 years, and found out we owe four figures to both the feds and the great state of California. :-/
// @caff
@JeremyCherfas I'm certainly not the boss of anyone. I guess I've just gotten used to editing according to the dictates of our corporate style guide.
I do think that "more than" is better, though. :-)
// @nitinkhanna @literary