With the admin site blocked by my company's firewall, I find myself wishing I could post to my 10C blog via email. Hmmm.
@kdfrawg Best concert I ever saw was John Prine all by himself on stage at the Strawberry Music Festival in Camp Mather, CA. It was under the stars in an alpine meadow just outside Yosemite, walking distance to Hetch Hetchy. Heaven.
Interesting. My company's firewall appears to be blocking the admin 10C site, but not Cappuccino.
@hazardwarning If it's been broken for a while, I suspect it will take a while to get caught up. It's unsatisfying, but I suppose we'll have to be patient.
@hazardwarning No, mine isn't. Something's wrong, but it's not with your account.
@kdfrawg Dad being from Chicago, I grew up with something closer to Kansas City style, but mostly I learned that just about anytime you cook meat with fire it's going to be good. :-)
// @phoneboy
@kdfrawg It's easier on my blood sugar, too, as long as I don't go nuts with the tortillas.
// @phoneboy