I believe that's on the short list for one of the next updates.


Talk to and get in on the Macchiato beta.

We all have different needs. When Google Reader shut down, I needed a web-based cross-platform solution, and that's what I got.


Here's a screenshot of the mobile app. I use the web UI on desktop.



Waiting for some stuff at work, so I'm passing the time by writing a letter of support to my local mosque as a response to the latest idiocy out of Washington.

There are some third-party apps that work with it, but I actually prefer the official apps. I never use the web UI on mobile.


I use, recommend, and could not live without NewsBlur.


It's one of those days, and I'm having a chocolate donut, and je ne regrette rien.

When my friend Doug and his wife had their daughter, their dog (a black Lab) became fiercely protective of the baby when strangers were around. It will be interesting to see if Nozomi behaves similarly.

Congratulations to you and Reiko! And welcome to little Irwin-chan. :-)