A friend's parents use one of these. It's massively convenient; you just add hot water to the concentrate that it produces.


Have you tried coffee made using the cold-brew method? It tends to be very low in acid, and gives a smooth flavor even using low-end supermarket coffee.

All I know about coffee is that I like it, preferably brewed strong, and I favor African and Sumatran varietals.

Getting a Cloudflare error on my v5 site, which I take to mean that the IP got reset. Let me know what the new one is when you wake up. :-)

Poking my head in…hello, 10Cv5.

I didn't know they grew coffee in Australia.

People are funny. Some do that, and some…well, the last time I saw the founder of my company, who sold it to McGraw-Hill for a gazillion dollars 15 years ago, he was still driving the same 18-year-old Mercury and dropping off his laundry at the cleaners himself. A class act.


But seriously, this is what happens when you let the researchers run something without the involvement of the operations folks (like me) who know what to do. :-)

Are you kidding? You can barely buy one Model 3 for that amount. ;-)

TFW you inform someone that they went $53,000 over their approved budget for a project. Oops.