If I want to get rid of this, looks like I have to become a Guardian subscriber. Since I started reading the Guardian online to avoid the New York Times paywall, going to have to reconsider this and shop around to see what other options I have. #nt
@kdfrawg Was always rather pleased that my university (UCSB) abolished men's football and gave the stadium to the women's soccer team.
// @skematica @hazardwarning
Checking out the Indieweb stuff that @JeremyCherfas linked to. Looks interesting. Would be very nice to have that stuff integrated into 10C, though not being a developer, I have no idea how much of a pain it would be for @matigo to integrate.
@skematica The office coffee is supplied by Starbucks. We have a choice of medium roast (Pike Place Blend), decaf Pike, or dark roast (Caffe Verona blend).
// @matigo
Going offline for a bit to read more of the latest Liu Cixin. If you haven't read any of his stuff, you should fix that. #ChineseSciFi
@skematica Fortunately, I drink free coffee five days a week now that the company provides decent coffee at the office.
// @matigo
@matigo True. There's this web app called Cappuccino that I use quite a bit, actually.
// @sumudu