For me, it's probably enough that I'm friends with an American expat who lived in Egypt and Syria for many years, who happens to be an Islamic scholar and sheikh qualified to issue fatwas, and we communicate using encrypted Telegram chat. The optics are bad.

He's got fantastic taste in science fiction, though. :-)

You're probably already on a government list (as am I). Consider it a badge of honor.

@kdfrawg I wake up every morning at 4:00, without fail. Getting older sucks. Used to be able to sleep at least until 7:30 or so.


@kdfrawg I always got a chuckle out of Mother Lode Septic up in the gold country of California. :-)




That's a sharp-looking timepiece. Very nice.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg Our elderly neighbor walked out to the ambulance, so that's a good sign.


Uh-oh. Fire engine and ambulance two houses down. :-(

@kdfrawg Nice! I guessed from the photo she posted on Twitter it was an S40; same platform, so I don't feel too bad for the wrong guess. :-)

Figured out the problem. 10C is adding http:// before the mailto:.

