@kdfrawg I am definitely at THAT age. :-/


I had something similar, a Cowon iAudio X5L. It was rather nice by the standards of the time.

@kdfrawg I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.


@kdfrawg Oh, have I ever. I'm not at all opposed to it, either. My revolutionary ancestors would be appalled.


@kdfrawg I've always found it interesting that in the Foundation series, Asimov made it the goal to recreate a single unified empire (which is presumably a monarchy).


@kdfrawg We just need to wait a couple hundred years, and then Scotty can beam us off this rock.


@kdfrawg I'm sure stickiness is an occupational hazard when your primary business is selling pancakes and syrup.


"It's not a feature, it's a bug."
