Sad to hear that Hulu has canceled The Path. As someone who was once a member of a fringe religious group, I found it to be remarkably well done, and it did a good job of capturing the joys and contradictions that membership in such a group entails.

Wives must be kept happy. :-)

Get one anyway. They're fantastic wallets.

I can't recommend these highly enough. Been using one as a front pocket wallet for years.

When they're programmed properly, that is.

Multitasking, amigo, multitasking. :-)

And in each of them, they show a different time.

I always loved that in the Old Man's War series by John Scalzi, the lead character programs his BrainPal to respond to "Hey, Asshole!"

I also text over Skype with some of my colleagues, which is an acceptable alternative. :-)

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Getting Older. :-)

Edit: I looked it up, and the last thing I played on my phone was Black & Gold by Sivert Høyem, whom you most likely haven't heard of (it's the theme to the Norwegian TV series Okkupert).