I uploaded a test pic to a site that I'm not using yet to see how it would appear in Social. Then I deleted it.



Someone left a message in my 10C inbox thanking me in Russian for the information. I have no idea what information they're talking about, but in any case, they're welcome.


Huh. Never saw this before.



And hopefully support for specifically disallowing anonymous blog comments, too.


There are few things in life as astonishing as someone who continues to copy everyone in an email chain even after it's become crystal-clear to everyone else that they're being a stupid git.

Today's Bing desktop photo in the U.S. is extra special for me. It shows the endangered Santa Cruz Island fox, which is the size of a housecat and exists nowhere else on Earth--and Santa Cruz Island is just off the coast near Ventura and Santa Barbara. I see it every day. 1


  1. Well, every day that there's no fog in the channel.

Up next: hot, delicious coffee. Mmmmm, coffee. ☕

Eurovision is a phenomenon that causes North Americans with friends in Europe to be completely befuddled by their social media streams once a year, in much the same way that the reverse is true during the baseball World Series or the Super Bowl.


Speaking as someone whose father died when I was 9 years old, do him a favor and get more photos of you together. Someday they'll be all he'll have.



I hate it when I accidentally trigger the Russian keyboard while I'm typing and suddenly всe по русский.