Thanks! Password changed and app downloaded. I'll let you know if I run into anything I can't figure out.

I might like to play around with that a bit.


"If you can dream it, you can wake up in a cold sweat screaming about it.

"Welcome to Night Vale."​

I sincerely hope this isn't true. I've been using Google Trips for planning our summer road trip, and it's been incredibly useful.

Pretty smart of Google Fi to go down on the morning of WWDC. Nobody in the tech press will notice.

Planning a meetup next weekend with a former colleague who quit suddenly on Friday. Should be illuminating.

This is for the old Americans like me. Apologies to the rest of you, who may not get it.

Scene: Match Game '78 (A Mark Goodman-Bill Todman production)

Gene Rayburn: Dumb Donald is so dumb…

Audience: HOW DUMB IS HE?

Gene Rayburn: He's so dumb that every time he turns the lights off, he says, "I can't find my blank."

cue funky 70s game show music

WWDC 2019: what to expect []


Disappointed that there are no Indian programmers involved. ;-)

I want to use it, but there's a point at which ritual open-source purity gets in the way of actually getting stuff done, and ain't nobody got time for that crap.

If you want to know why more people don't use Firefox, here's one answer: it won't let me install the LastPass extension because I'm behind my company's firewall, rendering it completely useless.