My mouth is finally starting to feel normal again, now that the Novocaine has worn off. The 600 mg of postoperative ibuprofen probably helped, too.

Nitin, I've been able to do that for years now. This ain't my first rodeo.

At least none of that involves drilling and Novocaine.

So, I had a root canal on my lunch break. What are the rest of you up to?

Upper left cuspid tooth has started bothering me--a lot. Looks like a trip to the dentist is in my future, and soon. :-)

So… goes to South Africa, along with the shadowy and mysterious Dr. Husband whom none of us have ever seen, and suddenly Zimbabwe has a coup d'état. I'm just saying.

Well, I hope you made enough for everybody.

If you start hearing the universe vibrating, do not be alarmed.

@kdfrawg Either way, it seems safe to blame Canada.