@kdfrawg Everyone has different limits with social media. Important to recognize that. It's good that you're here. ?

For your app, you should definitely be concentrating on fully supporting 10C before any other considerations. This is probably not an app-level issue (although a dual-platform app would be very cool).

It's great that we're getting so many ADN people in the two lifeboats. Now we need to find a way to lash them both together.

The current moment is like when you said goodbye to a friend and crying like shit, and then suddenly realise “oh we are going to the same direction so there is 30 more minutes, I cried too early?”

What you all need is Arachis and ChimPnut for Pnut (available in the App Store) and Macchiato for this place (contact to get into the beta).


If ADN support is really working on fixing the archiving bug, they're doing more work now to kill it than they've done in the last two years to keep it alive.

Woke up surprised to find that ADN isn't dead yet.

Yep. Follow the instructions in the link on the page I gave you to get access. It's ' project.


There's an excellent beta app if you're an iOS user.


I've assembled some links to useful info at 10C.larryanderson.org.
