Current Status: Eating more leftover birthday cake than is medically advisable. Je ne regrette rien.

Or Bacchus, most likely.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

I tend to the heavy side (and come from a long line of big people), but if I watch what I eat like a hawk (which isn't really sustainable in the long term, to be honest) I can lose weight to a certain point, at which point it just doesn't come off anymore. A few years back I dropped 80 lbs. I was still overweight, and despite paying strict attention to diet and regular exercise including cardio, my weight loss stopped completely. Once I relaxed a bit, the weight came back.

The simple fact is that I'm never going to look like a Greek god or fall within the traditional guidelines for weight vs. height. As long as I keep my glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure in check with normal medication, and my diabetes doesn't get worse, I'll consider that a win. It ain't fair, but neither is life. I have successfully become older than my father ever got to be, so I'm calling that a good sign.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

It's more of a pain in the finger. If it's a pain in the rear you're probably doing it wrong. :-)

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg My doctor wants me to do lots of cardio. Lots of cardio. I tell him I'm walking and he's not impressed. He's one of those types with about 0.1% body fat, and I don't think he gets the reality of being a cubicle-dwelling cog in the corporate machine with a 60-mile commute.


@kdfrawg Indeed it is. My aunt really shouldn't be living out there anymore; it takes too long for ambulances and other aid providers to get there. She has a lovely house but it's in the middle of freaking nowhere, and it's going to be tough to sell. It will require a particular kind of buyer.


@kdfrawg My aunt's place outside of Kingman (way outside of Kingman) is in a dead zone. There's more of those than you might expect in the desolate parts of Arizona and Nevada. At least, I've found more than I expected would still exist.


@kdfrawg Because I do occasionally find myself out in the desert where there's no signal, I kept them around. Now that I can download maps to the Google Maps app, I can finally free up the space in my glovebox.


My current car is the first one in which I haven't kept a set of local AAA maps for Ventura and L.A. County, the Bay Area, and San Diego, and statewide maps of California, Arizona, and Nevada.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I think I threw out my last L.A.-area Thomas Guide a while back. I may still have my first one somewhere, which my mom gave me when I turned 16 and had to start driving to L.A. occasionally.
