@tomas That's a bit too much coding for me, but feel free to pull my info from here: http://blog.larryanderson.org/about
@hazardwarning It would probably require a hell of a lot of tenderizer.
// @tomas @indigo @kdfrawg @c
@kdfrawg On the other hand, we have an opportunity here to redefine that.
"I was going to run errands on the way home, but went straight home instead because I'd had an extra Diet Coke and needed to Trump."
// @tomas @hazardwarning @indigo @c
@tomas British food has the best names, too.
- Toad in the hole
- Bangers and mash
- Spotted dick
// @hazardwarning @indigo @kdfrawg @c
@kdfrawg We all find our niche. At this point I'm not prepared to make many guesses about anything in eight years given the current situation. :-/
@kdfrawg Things ebb and flow. I've just been busier than hell during the day at work, and disinclined to do much posting when I get home at night. I'm not concerned about this place. We may get a small infusion of ex-ADN folks, and if any of the people coding apps ever finish them, it will be helpful.