Music is getting me through this afternoon.

Related: The Rankin Family are amazing.
Also related: My old Nokia Beats earbuds sound 1000 times better than my EarPods.

I just accidentally typed "screenshit" instead of "screenshot" and to be honest, it seems much more descriptive of what I'm describing.

Back from dinner with my family (a delayed birthday celebration), which featured prime rib and was therefore excellent. :-)

Oh, good.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I don't much care for the view. Hope you get out of there soon, and that you're doing better.

This marks the passing of a legend to longtime Angelenos. I wonder if @kdfrawg remembers…

@kdfrawg Meanwhile, the Sierra Nevadas are getting buried in the current storm. Which is good.

New Post: Paul Ryan's logo []

@kdfrawg I can only assume it was conceived by a German designer after a particularly wild weekend in Amsterdam.

@kdfrawg They always were a tough audience.
