New Post: A word to evangelical voters []

I did the same. Figured it was more entertaining than actually watching the game. :-)


And everyone complains about it.


And just to make it extra crappy, you basically have to pay a large fee (in the thousands) if you renounce your citizenship to avoid it.


If they're U.S. citizens or have green cards, I'm not surprised. We're one of the few nations that requires its citizens overseas to pay tax on income earned overseas.

Ideally, yes. But my point is that even those who want to leave on some level often find it impossible, or so difficult as to be a practical impossibility. Or they're unwilling to put up with the hardships involved in adjusting to a new country.


Reality check: Most of us are tied down here to jobs, families, and homes. And emigration is not as easy as people think it is, especially without language skills and professional qualifications. I have a degree, speak fluent English and some French, and know more about Canada than the average Canadian, but even I don't qualify for automatic entry as an immigrant.

That went about like I expected it to.

Also loved Moxie's comment about "maybe this will be the year of Linux on the desktop!" ?

@kdfrawg I suppose it's no longer a world where one can simply ring for the staff, say "I fancy a bit of chocolate," and have the footman retrieve it from wherever things come from. World's going to hell, I say.


Quick, spend it on something before the pound devalues any further!