@kdfrawg I avoid iBooks like the plague. Not getting caught in Apple's proprietary DRM dystopia.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg I avoid iBooks like the plague. Not getting caught in Apple's proprietary DRM dystopia.
// @skematica
@indigo Some people have had issues with it, some haven't. I have choices, so I take the easy way out and buy elsewhere.
// @skematica @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg These days, I restrict myself to buying from Amazon and Google. They make it a lot simpler. Kobo got weird with their DRM so I don't buy from them anymore, either.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg All of this is why I stopped buying from B&N a few years back. They make it difficult.
// @skematica
@kdfrawg When he says Nook "web reader", I'm imagining it's a web app in a browser window. He needs to get the epub on his computer somehow, and the easiest way to do that is to download the file to the Mac if at all possible. If he has a Nook, then yes, that should work too.
// @skematica
@skematica My advice is to download it to the desktop Nook app, and from there import to Calibre, de-DRM and convert.
Looks like this is your best bet, since there doesn't seem to be an official Nook app for Mac anymore: http://www.epubsoft.com/soft/nook-for-mac.html
// @kdfrawg
@skematica You can also convert to MOBI, but AZW3 is basically epub in a Kindle wrapper, and I get better results that way. YMMV.
// @kdfrawg
@skematica And if you need to de-DRM stuff, Google "Apprentice Alf" and all will be revealed to you. :-)
// @kdfrawg
@skematica Calibre is your friend. If you've already de-DRM'd it, you need only convert to AZW3 format and you're good to go.
// @kdfrawg
@kdfrawg Wow. I think they're trying to keep costs the same in order to keep people from jumping ship with the change in ownership.