@skematica DRM, I'm guessing.

@kdfrawg That sucks. Hope you regain your appetite.

The company is providing us with free pizza today, which is way off my diet, but hey, it's free. I like free.

I thought you were a broadband kind of guy… :-)


I think I've found a network that isn't on: mewe.com

Not unless you like screaming into an uncaring void, as I've said elsewhere.

Right now, I wish I didn't know so much about parallels from the past.

There are many whose morals and scruples should be questioned, but the overtly religious have a special responsibility to live their principles, whether they be Christian or Muslim or Buddhist.

New Post: The home stretch…and a warning [blog.larryanderson.org]

Oh, the hell with it. I'm hitting the "publish" button.